

Photography Basics

Learn the basics of photography in 10 minutes! Obviously, there's much more to photography, but if you can grasp ISO, aperture, and shutter speed, you can take incredible images and be able to troubleshoot when you're not getting incredible images....

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Affordable SKYE Drone With Camera

Affordable SKYE Drone With Camera

The most recent Silicon Valley start-up has just launched the latest generation of drones, giving DJI a real competitor! We're talking about the new SKYE Drone, a new type of drone that anyone can fly. It's perfect for taking cool selfies! It was designed by two...

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Crop Factor Explained: Do you need Full Frame?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=16&v=hi_CkZ0sGAw Micro 4/3 vs Crop vs Full Frame The same lens produces different results on cameras with different sized sensors. As a result, it can be tough to cross-shop Micro Four-Thirds, APS-C, Full Frame, and...

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