WordPress Tutorial
How to Install WordPress
In this tutorial, we show you how to install wordpress by using one-click script install service. This service can be found by loging into the Control Panel of your server.
Installing WordPress on your own servers with the script is easier than doing it the normal way which involves:
- Downloading the WordPress program from WordPress.org
- Uploading it into your server.
- Unzipping the file
- Creating a Database
- Installing WordPress and configuring it
Step 1 Get a Web Hosting Account
- Register a Domain Name
- Get a Web Hosting Account
You can complete both of the above steps online at Cheap Web Hosting
We recommend getting a Starter Plan if you are going to create only websote. You can easily upgrade later on.
All plans come with a 30-day Money Back Guarantee

How to Install WordPress
The good thing about this host is that it provides one-click install for popular scripts. WordPress is one of them. To install WordPress on your server using the script, follow the steps below.
Step 2 – Installing WordPress
Login into your control panel using the credentials given when you registered for your hosting account.
These details would be sent to the email address used in the registration process.

- Once logged in, you will be presented with a screen like this.
- Click on “Installer”
- Scroll down to “Application Installer”

- You would then be taken to the “Applications Installer” Page
- Click On WordPress

Now you should see the Configuration Page

- Domain – Use the dropdown to select the site to install WordPress
- In Directory – Enter a name for the directory. To install this in the top folder, leave this blank
- Admin user – This would be the login details for the Admin. Good to change this to something hard to guess like “Admin-MyBlog”
- Admin Password – Click on Generate Password or enter a preferred password. You need this to login into the Admin area of your blog
- Admin mail: Enter the admin email address
- Weblog title – Title of your Blog (Can be changed in Admin area later)
- Database prefix – Leave it at default
- Select “Automatic Database Creation” and click on Install WordPress
Once it is done, you would have wordpress installed on your site.
After installation, you would have 2 web address (url) displayed. One is to the front end of your blog and the other to the admin area. Copy both these web addresses.