Photograper and Videographer require different skillsets and go through different training. Photography and Videography do have things in common where shooting is concerned. They follow the same rules in composition, camera setting and lighting requirements. Apart from these similarities, there are differences between the two. If it is a professional shoot, first difference lies in the type of equipment required. Next would be in the software skills as both fields use different programs for editing.
Now back to the topic of
Differences Between Photograper and Videographer.
Photography captures the moment. A photographer spends more time on looking for the right shot and then arranging or posing everything properly, and a lot less when deciding on the camera settings and taking the actual shot. Videography captures the event or a series of moments. A videographer has no time to pose or alter the scene. He just shoots while concentrating on composition, framing and lighting. A photographer tries to get everything right during the shoot and less editing, while a videographer tries to get everything on film and then spends time on editing.
This is where the similarities end. Photo editing and Video editing use totally different software’s and require different skill sets. There are some who are good in shooting videos but send their videos to our company for editing.
Is it wise to engage one person to shoot both photo and video? The answer is yes. But as to whether the results would be good or not is a different topic altogether. For starters, it depends on the type of event. In some cases like product shoot, baby photography or parties and events with a low budget, you could get away with one photographer doubling up as a videographer.
For big or important events like weddings or ballroom functions, it would be better to have different shooters for photo and video. In fact, it would be better to have at least 2 photographer and 1 main and 1 B-roll videographer. End of the day, it all boils down to your requirements and budget.